Sad days....... Missing you goldy......

12:57 am
PetLover Prudhvi- KICK - - Public
"Goldy" just diverting my-self and waiting for you simultaneously....


PetLover Prudhvi- KICK - Twitter - Public
sprudhviraj: Waiting 4 U. Plz come Bak GOLDY. Missing U........


PetLover Prudhvi- KICK - Twitter - Public
sprudhviraj: 2nyt at 3 My "Goldy" was killed by 2 Dogs b4 me I can't do anything I'll kill those bludy dogs anyHw PetLover~...


PetLover Prudhvi- KICK - Twitter - Public
sprudhviraj: mvy "NANNA" jus came mvy nys n common 2me coz i2 feel same wn my pets wer lost... PetLover~Chilaka ~KICK~


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