
Showing posts from July, 2011

Sad days....... Missing you goldy......

12:57 am PetLover Prudhvi- KICK - - Public "Goldy" just diverting my-self and waiting for you simultaneously.... 7/26 PetLover Prudhvi- KICK - Twitter - Public sprudhviraj: Waiting 4 U. Plz come Bak GOLDY. Missing U........ 7/24 PetLover Prudhvi- KICK - Twitter - Public sprudhviraj: 2nyt at 3 My "Goldy" was killed by 2 Dogs b4 me I can't do anything I'll kill those bludy dogs anyHw PetLover~... 7/24 PetLover Prudhvi- KICK - Twitter - Public sprudhviraj: mvy "NANNA" jus came mvy nys n common 2me coz i2 feel same wn my pets wer lost... PetLover~Chilaka ~KICK~

Yesterday In great sorrow..... N tonight 11-June-2011 after 10pm I am happy [Status}

GOLDY Gifted by my friend MIMO JOSEPH Yesterday evening at 6 I played with GOLDY (MY Cat)...  Happily I came to browse my system and at 7pm I will feed him daily but I dint went yesterday. I thought to go  but I neglected and ignored and I went to see him at 9pm but its not there...... I am worried allot for him and I decided not to cry because if  I cry then all my sorrow will destroy and I'll forget goldy easily... So I decided not to cry...! Now I started thinking of past: Last time JUNE 2010 another kitty was gifted by  my friend MIMO. Its also lost one day but it shouted that night when its lost but I  couldn't find her. It was hit-en by a big cat that evening and it fell down and fainted . So i thought it was dead but it came to me in few minutes and I feel happy, I left her on my wall and went to sleep but its missing after my sleep and I on wall calling her and she shouted that night, So I thougfht its here but I dint foun...

An argument without documentation is of no use..... If not, blaming others takes place for their survival... How to argue? & steps to argue....

An argument without documentation is of no use..... Documentation in an argument is must because the opponents will change their words they said and will blame you....  So take piece of parer and both should write their statements in argument. So you can question about the above statements. Note: The written statements should be said by them and approved by respected people Because an argument is to prove the right and wrong.  Words spoken in air can be changed because they vanish  but letters on paper cant be vanished or forgotten.

Manthena Satyanarayana Raju: Solution for decreasing Weight, Belly or excess c...

Manthena Satyanarayana Raju: Solution for decreasing Weight, Belly or excess c... : "Solution for decreasing Weight, Belly or excess cholesterol, excess fat's at a particular location: Including diet. Cause for developed Cho..."

A big black SCORPION in my room just when I am using system and its moving beside me.......!!! [status]

A big black SCORPION in my room just when I am using system and its moving beside me I thought to arrest it and take clicks and throw it out but my mom refused but with a long struggle i arrested it in a bucket and towel. It hanged to towel and not getting down to bucket. So I am trying to push it into bucket by hitting towel with stick and towel had opened and it ran out and mom urrested it under bucket but unfortunately with mom's fear immersed the bucket half on scorpion so it was hurt-ed and bleeding started. Again tried to urrest it but unfortunately slowly went to dad's room and mom again immersed bucket on it and i slowly moved bucket on towel and thrown out in drainage.... I Failed to taken even a single click because of darkness, no cam with flash and on mom's force. But all this happened because all went to movie and grandparents sleeping but I am bit happy because I saved a SCORPION from killing it.....

2dy i went to '180' movie... Nice & Good film. EVRY1 shud c it... [Status]

2dy i went2 '180' mvy... Nys&Gud film. EVRY1 shud c it... By seeing this film I came to know that if any person knows there death day then they will behave like a real human-being and they live omly for present like every living being except humans. So they can ignore hatreds very easily and they can be friendiy with everyone. They wil replace the word 'I' with 'WE'so those persons have a big family (every one is equal). They will try to enjoy their life as much as they can without any human feelings like selfishness hatreds etc...... This is first known in chakram n nw this is more strengthened....


Sterday yc  arrangement of G2G for B's birthday....... Satisified and happy... ThankU sadhana.... Want this type of get to gather again...... :-)